Success Stories

Learning Beyond Borders has contributed educational material, sports equipment and supported infrastructure equipment to help create a positive learning environment for school children in Uganda. Since its establishment in 2007, LBB has seen an impressive growth in the number of students passing Division 2. We are proud of the children in Kakooga and Rugaaga Primary School and are excited to continue seeing their growth and development!

The percentage of students achieving Division 2 has increased to over 80%.
The percentage of students achieving Division 2 has increased to over 80%.

2016 Uganda Activity Report

In 2016, the Learning Beyond Borders (LBB) clubs at Old Scona Academic, University of Calgary and University of Alberta raised a total of $3,075 to support educational activities for vulnerable and marginalized children in rural Uganda. These donations were used for the following:

  • $1,040 to purchase practice examination and homework pamphlets allowing students in the Kakooga, Rugaaga and Kyakayombya Primary Schools an opportunity for extra study outside of instructional time.
  • $475 to purchase 160 textbooks for Kyakayombya Primary School.
  • $2,000 towards the construction of the St. Lawrence Secondary School in rural Kahangi, Western Uganda. A 2-classroom block was completed in 2016, which allowed 50 students from Secondary 1 to 4 to attend school in their neighbourhood. Prior to this, students had to walk 15-20 km each day if they wished to complete their secondary school education. A second 2-classroom block is currently under construction.


About Learning Beyond Borders

Through its team of dedicated volunteers, donors, and supporters, Learning Beyond Borders focuses on developing a diverse range of events and activities to support the development of youth global citizenship. Each year, new themes are explored while the fundamental focus on education is reinforced.

  • Ensuring that the philosophy of partnership is maintained is critical for LBB. This means that all branches put heavy emphasis on events that can teach the value of education and global citizenship. One-on-one contact is made with students in the primary schools in Uganda through letter-writing sessions. These letters are delivered annually to students in Uganda. Canadian students also are engaged with workshops and talks about the meaning of global citizenship.
  • LBB experiments with news event types to help raise awareness and funds for our projects. Frequent bake sales, recruitment booths, and larger-scale events such as the Art-for-Awareness auction have helped us to achieve our goals.
  • Sporting tournaments are traditionally held by LBB in the spring and summer months as a way to involve different social circles, to build the club’s network, and to fundraise on a grand scale. The University of Calgary chapter traditionally hosts a successful annual ball hockey tournament. The University of Alberta chapter is planning to host a summer Ultimate Frisbee Tournament to celebrate the club’s tenth anniversary in 2017.

LBB Annual Report 2016